Copyrights Policy
www.healthcaretip.com operational and editorial team place enormous efforts in information gathering, data research, fact analysis, composition and presentation of quality contents online. We believe all these intellectual efforts by the fellow members deserve to be respected and protected.
We never discouraged and forestalled the healthy sharing and republishing of our contents as long, it cites a reference or credit link to the original source.
However, it has brought to our knowledge that some blogs are in an unfortunate practice of copying, duplicating and producing our articles as their own, without providing any credit or reference.
We caution that it is not only unethical but unlawful under Digital Millennium Copyrights Act (DMCA), which bound all blogging platforms and web hosts to bring down the post/page/website under Chilling Effect Agreement. It can further lead the post/page/website entry to be removed from search engines listings in result of petition filed under DMCA Regulations.
In the past, we have taken strict notice against the parties involved and compelled them to remove the article that infringes our copyrights. Therefore, we are avidly monitoring the internet for the infringement of our contents.
We also requested our respected readers to please report any encroachment of these website’s articles, to reduce our monitoring overheads and to focus all our energy only to serve them quality information.
Content Policy
www.healthcaretip.com is about sharing information and ideas about health care. Its articles covers a broad range of health care. Each article is written, compiled and formatted specifically and specially for the use of its readers. For this reason, we have created a content policy to cover various aspects of our content.
While www.healthcaretip.com respect its users ownership of and responsibility for the content they choose to share. It is our belief that censoring this content is contrary to a service that bases itself on freedom of expression.
Therefore, in order to uphold these values, we need to curb abuses that threaten our ability to provide this service and the freedom of expression it encourages. As a result, there are some boundaries on the type of content that are available with www.healthcaretip.com. The boundaries we have defined are those that both comply with legal requirements and that serve to enhance the service as a whole.
All posts, articles, and other online content featured on www.healthcaretip.com are not to be copied or published elsewhere. Articles may be paraphrased or used along side an original article for opinion / response pieces. All partial uses of our articles and / or interviews must redirect to the original and full location of the entire article. This helps to ensure that our articles are being read at our site.
www.healthcaretip.com not at all link to, use reference material or share content with the blogs and websites that promote illegal activities, sexually explicit material, violence and discrimination based on religion, race, nation, gender or physical disability.
Blogger Content Policy
www.healthcaretip.com is hosted by Blogger, a service for communication, self-expression and freedom of speech. We believe Blogger increases the availability of information, encourages healthy debate, and makes possible new connections between people. www.healthcaretip.com maintain a strongly compliance with Blogger Content Policy too.
Comments Policy
www.healthcaretip.com do not pre-moderate any comments and welcome all kinds of thoughts either supportive, dissenting, critical or otherwise, while logged in or anonymously. We really value your thoughts and sentiments, therefore we do not delete or censor comments unless they are:
- Off The Topic
- Abusive or Vulgar
- Spam or Business Promotion
- Contains Ad-hominem Attacks
- Promotes Hate of Any Kind
- Have Excessively Foul Language
All comments are filtered through state of the art spam filtering technology. However we understand that no spam-filtering technology is perfect, therefore and require a human as well.
Though at www.healthcaretip.com, we take great care to provide human review to every individual comment. If you find that your comments are not immediately showing up, it may have been erroneously flagged as spam. If so, please Contact Us to follow up on the status of your comment if it has not shown up after 48 hours and we will do our best to sort it out.
Privacy Policy
www.healthcaretip.com value user privacy and online safety very important, strictly adhering to the established standards. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used.
We are seriously against SPAM and do NOT send unsolicited or spam email to promote any product and service, directly or indirectly what so ever.
To make our Privacy Policy easy to find, whether or not we request you the personally identifiable information, we make our Privacy Policy available on the main navigation of website at every point of your online journey with us.
Google Adsense and The DoubleClick DART Cookie
Google, as a third party advertisement vendor, uses cookies to serve more targeted and relevant advertisements on this site. The use of DART cookies by Google enables them to serve adverts to visitors that are based on their visits to this website as well as other sites on the internet.
To opt out of the DART cookies you may visit the Google ads and content network privacy policy. Tracking of users through the DART cookie mechanisms are subject to Google’s own privacy policies.
Other Third Party advertisements servers or ad networks may also use cookies to track users activities on this website to measure advertisement effectiveness and other reasons that will be provided in their own privacy policies. www.healthcaretip.com has no access or control over these third party advertisers cookies.
Personal Information Collection
While your online presence with www.healthcaretip.com, the IP address used to access the site will be logged along with the dates and times of access. This information is purely used to track and analyze website statistics, trends, users interests and gather broad demographic information for internal administrative usage. Any recorded IP addresses or information are not linked to personally identifiable information.
Third Party Website Links
On www.healthcaretip.com, it is unavoidable to included links to other Third Party Website for your use and reference. We are not responsible for the privacy policies on these websites. While leaving www.healthcaretip.com, to visit those third party links, you should be aware that the privacy policies of these sites may differ from our own.
Privacy Policy Changes
www.healthcaretip.com reserved the right to improve or change its Privacy Policy at any time. If you have any queries, questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, you are welcomed to Contact Us.
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DCMA) Policy
Please note that www.healthcaretip.com do not get involved in the hosting or distribution of copyrighted materials. This includes hosting copyrighted files on www.healthcaretip.com, as well as providing links for or driving traffic to sites that contain copyrighted material.
However, we offer a service to remove content from our website if the copyright holder of the content requests so. These removal requests are only valid if:
- You or your organization is the copyright holder of the content in question.
- Exact URL(s) evidence to the original content in question is provided.
- You provide the complete name(s) of the content in question.
- Full contact information, including the phone number and postal address is provided.
Contact us, if your request complies with above rules, including your evidence with the message. Please keep the correspondence polite as we are ourselves committed to fight plagiarism or abuse of copyrighted material but at the same time apologize for any human error and omissions that fall under copyright infringement. In such a case, we do remove/edit the post as soon as we can, usually within 48 hours. Keep in mind that we can only handle removal requests that comply with the rules mentioned above.