Battledore Placenta - Definition, Complications, Pictures, Causes, Pathology
What is Battledore Placenta
The battledore placenta can be characterized as an unusual insertion of the umbilical cord. The condition is otherwise called the marginal cord insertion. Battledore placenta can be found in relationship with different conditions, for example,
- IUD impediment,
- Pre-mature birth
- Abnormalities or low-weight
- Monochorionic twin pregnancy
Battledore Placenta Definition
The term used to describe the condition has been picked due to its similarity with racket used in battledore. This was an earlier form of today badminton. It is imperative to comprehend that, when this condition happens, it doesn't affect the physiological functions of placenta so, no clinical intervention is required. It is evaluated that around 30% of the births exhibit some anomaly associated with umbilical tissues, with battledore placenta being only one of them.
Battledore Placenta Statistics or Prevalence
This condition has an occurrence rate of 7% among normal pregnancies. But if we discuss other physiological and pathological pregnancy conditions like twin pregnancies or triplet pregnancies, the occurrence rate is 25%. Pointing out the accurate area of the umbilical line is very important clinically, if pregnancy is already associated with some kind fetal abnormalities or risk factors.
Battledore Placenta Pictures or Images

Battledore Placenta Pathophysiology
With regards to the battledore placenta, the issue is given by the way that the exact point of insertion of the placental cord is too close a distance from the placenta. As evaluated by researchers , the separation is under 2 cm. But a recent research has indicated that distance is around 1cm.
The condition may become worse if leads to the velamentous string insertion. This pathophysiological change may develop due to placental trophotropism and it can be experienced at a later phase of the pregnancy.
The condition may become worse if leads to the velamentous string insertion. This pathophysiological change may develop due to placental trophotropism and it can be experienced at a later phase of the pregnancy.
Velamentous cord insertion
The velamentous cord insertion is basically a clinical condition of placental cord in which cord is inserted on the membranes, before entering the placenta. This condition may complicate the physiological functions of placenta. The umbilical blood vessels may become fragile and rupture at any time.
Battledore Placenta Complications
Clinically it is correlated that the following clinical complications are associated with battledore placenta for example
- Restricted blood supply to placenta
- Increase pressure in lower abdomin
- Distress of the fetus
- Prolapse of the cord
- Pain
- Restriction of the intrauterine growth
Battledore Placenta Research
The most common problem connected with battledore placenta is pain or distress, it was clinically observed that there might be some level of uteroplacental deficiency in case of battledore placenta with some other underlying risk factors. This area requires some extensive clinical research to rule out these complications are purely due to battledore placenta or due to some other hidden pathological conditions.
Battledore Placenta - Definition, Complications, Pictures, Causes, Pathology
Reviewed by Simon Albert
June 18, 2016