Pollakiuria - Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment in children & adults
People who experience medical complications need quick and appropriate attention. Pollakiuria is a considerable disorder that disturbs the normal life of a person. Here is important information about this disorder. According to the medical terms, Pollakiuria is a disorder that creates abnormality in the urinary frequency. People with this disorder usually experience abnormal urination again and again during the day time.
The term “Pollakiuria” means that a person needs to see toilet for urination more than normal routine. This condition changes the urination behavior of a person drastically. It is believed that a normal person discharges 700 to 1000 ml urine per day. However, a person should visit the doctor for consultation if this quantity increases. There is no need to take tension about the disorder because it doesn’t last for longer. Visit your doctor frequently if you feel burning sensation and severe pain with urine.
Understanding this disorder is only possible if you notice the symptoms regularly. Finding the characteristics of this disorder is no longer difficult with little attention.
The term “Pollakiuria” means that a person needs to see toilet for urination more than normal routine. This condition changes the urination behavior of a person drastically. It is believed that a normal person discharges 700 to 1000 ml urine per day. However, a person should visit the doctor for consultation if this quantity increases. There is no need to take tension about the disorder because it doesn’t last for longer. Visit your doctor frequently if you feel burning sensation and severe pain with urine.
Pollakiuria Symptoms
Understanding this disorder is only possible if you notice the symptoms regularly. Finding the characteristics of this disorder is no longer difficult with little attention.
- Urination after short periods: People who experience sudden need to visit washroom should not ignore it. There is a need to monitor the urination timing and frequency. According to the medical database, a normal person urinates 5 to 8 times a day depending on the season and water intake. However, if someone needs to go for urination after 5 or 10 minutes then he must visit a doctor.
- Urination with pain: Patients of this disorder usually experience mild or severe pain with urination. Normally, it is attributed as stone in bladder but it is pollakiuria.
- Frequent but little urination: Do you feel sudden urge to visit toilet? Don’t forget to see the amount of urine discharged per visit. Patients of this disorder don’t discharge big quantity. They usually discharge small amount whenever they visit the toilet.
- Lack of water intake: It is necessary to check the amount of water or liquids a person consumes on daily basis. A person who drinks too much water may experience frequent urination but it would be in excessive amount as the body discharges unnecessary water and salts. However, if these conditions are present with a person who doesn’t drink extra fluids then there are chances of Pollakiuria development in body.
Pollakiuria Causes
According to clinical data pollakiuria may or may not be associated with any pathological problem. However, it is commonly observed that urinary tact infection due to gram negative bacteria often causes urinary urgency. Other possible underlying causes that may trigger pollakiuria are bladder stone, prostate enlargement (hypertrophy), fungal infection, diabetes, hormonal problem, psychogenic (strees). Pollakiuria may also occur as side effect of some drugs like fursemide, thiazide etc. In some cases pollakiuria is occurs due to excessive water intake especially in cold weather.Pollakiuria Treatment
- It is better to rule out the cause of pollakiuria to make treatment more effective. if you are diabetic then you need to change your drinking habit to make it less severe.
- Consume cranberry extract 1-2 times a day beacuse it is very effective in urinary tract infection.
- Stress related pollakiuria can be cured with anti-depressants but before taking these pills always consult with you health care provider.
- In children it is most commonly occur due to low or now production of anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) so in that case it can be corrected via exogenous administration of anti-duretic hormone in spray form.
- Stone formation or calcification in bladder or ureter may cause urinary urgency. In this case patient should avoid from diet that contains oxalates and calcium in high amount.
Pollakiuria - Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment in children & adults
Reviewed by Simon Albert
February 01, 2017