Midface hypoplasia Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Ultrasound, Treatment
Midface hypoplasia is a condition in which one side of the face is not fully developed. The main parts like eye sockets, upper jaw and the cheek bone are not like the other side of face i.e. remain small in size. Due to this under development, the other side of face which is normal seem big as compare to the other one. The eyes appear large and bulgy resembling bug-eye and in case of jaws, the upper jaw do not get in contact with the lower jaw during chewing and talking which shows an under bite shape appearance.
There are many visible symptoms associated with midface hypoplasia as:
The main cause of midface hypoplasia reported is the genetics, as it may occur due to abnormal gene mutation in the specific gene sequence point i.e. PIK3R1 and this gene mutation is responsible for midface hypoplasia.This may also occur due to segmental osteotomies and also as a result of usage of autogenous bone and cartilage drafts and also synthetic implants.
It may also occur due to malnutrition i.e. insufficient supply of minerals and vitamins and other nutrients. Can occur due to complications during pregnancy. As the cranial sutures fuse before the maturity of the baby
Ultrasound is the only technique of diagnosing midface hypoplasia in fetus. The pregnant women during 2nd trimester used to pass through ultrasound to ensure the proper development of baby features. 2D and 3D ultrasound is recommended mostly. 2D ultrasound shows the retardation in growth of bones within fetus. Also it shows the absence of nasal bones and malar region is flat. Sometimes the differential diagnosis tells many other reasons of abnormal growth in fetus along with many disorders with prenatal onset. The size of head and the flat malar region of face shows the presence of midface hypoplasia.
There are many treatment options regarding midface hypoplasia which are as follows:
Adenoidectomy, tonsillectomy, continuous positive airway pressure also known as bipap, uvulectomy uvulopharyngopalatoplasty. Some patients undergo tracheostomy if he is suffering from refractory obstruction with persistent OSA syndrome.
There are also surgical interventions regarding midface hypoplasia, only if it becomes severe. The surgical technique used is distraction osteogenesis. It is the most widely used surgical technique from almost 20 years. This technique is most commonly used for correction of long craniofacial bones deformity but this technique was 1st started with mandible region surgery.
Midface hypoplasia Pictures

Midface hypoplasia Symptoms
There are many visible symptoms associated with midface hypoplasia as:
- Eye appears large in size and resemble to the bug eye. And the cheeks appears shrink and the upper jaw is short in size as compare to the lower jaw showing appearance of bite shape.
- Person have to face difficulty in chewing food, talking and drinking.
- Hypo plastic nasal bone appear in this condition.
- Short maxilla is another symptom associated.
- Facial clefts are also seen like cleft lip and cleft palate.
- Teeth are not properly grown and the aging process of the affected site is also slow.
Midface hypoplasia Causes
The main cause of midface hypoplasia reported is the genetics, as it may occur due to abnormal gene mutation in the specific gene sequence point i.e. PIK3R1 and this gene mutation is responsible for midface hypoplasia.This may also occur due to segmental osteotomies and also as a result of usage of autogenous bone and cartilage drafts and also synthetic implants.
It may also occur due to malnutrition i.e. insufficient supply of minerals and vitamins and other nutrients. Can occur due to complications during pregnancy. As the cranial sutures fuse before the maturity of the baby
Midface hypoplasia Ultrasound
Ultrasound is the only technique of diagnosing midface hypoplasia in fetus. The pregnant women during 2nd trimester used to pass through ultrasound to ensure the proper development of baby features. 2D and 3D ultrasound is recommended mostly. 2D ultrasound shows the retardation in growth of bones within fetus. Also it shows the absence of nasal bones and malar region is flat. Sometimes the differential diagnosis tells many other reasons of abnormal growth in fetus along with many disorders with prenatal onset. The size of head and the flat malar region of face shows the presence of midface hypoplasia.
Midface hypoplasia Treatment
There are many treatment options regarding midface hypoplasia which are as follows:
Adenoidectomy, tonsillectomy, continuous positive airway pressure also known as bipap, uvulectomy uvulopharyngopalatoplasty. Some patients undergo tracheostomy if he is suffering from refractory obstruction with persistent OSA syndrome.
There are also surgical interventions regarding midface hypoplasia, only if it becomes severe. The surgical technique used is distraction osteogenesis. It is the most widely used surgical technique from almost 20 years. This technique is most commonly used for correction of long craniofacial bones deformity but this technique was 1st started with mandible region surgery.
Midface hypoplasia Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Ultrasound, Treatment
Reviewed by Simon Albert
April 23, 2017