Double Red cell Donation Requirements, Side Effects, Recovery, Complications
Double red cell donation is the blood donation which only contains red blood cells with no plasma and platelets. Automation is the process which is used to donate this blood I.e. consist of only red blood cells. In this process, the recipient is provided with double the amount of red blood cells instead of whole blood donation. Red blood cells are the most needed components of blood in patient, so automation helps to transfer only red blood cells. People who have blood type O or people who have Rh negative factor in their blood are preferred to donate blood because their red blood cells are mostly required.
A criteria have been set up to select the people who are willing to donate blood. The criteria is different for both males and females. Following are the requirements:
For Males
Donor should have weight atleast 130 pounds or 65 Kg. His height should be at least 5'1". Taller than this is preferred mostly.
For Females
Donor should have weight atleast 150 pounds or 75 kg. Height should be atleast 5'5". Women taller than this are preferred mostly.
The criteria is different for both genders because blood volume is not usually lower in females as compared to male.
Double red cell donation is a beneficial process and automation is the best method of specifically red blood cell donation. But it may have some side effects or we can say some risks. Patient may feel irritation at the site of infusion. Itching occurs due to allergic reaction to iodine present in blood. Bruising or hematoma can occur at the site. Patient feels pain and nerve damage at the site of infusion. Because of blood cells acceptance, patient feels vomiting, nausea, increased pulse rate and cardiac arrest.
Patient recovery time varies from case to case. When blood is transferred to the patient, his body starts generating blood to compensate the list amount of blood. Plasma starts recovering in a quick way in almost 24 hours. Patient is asked to stay calm and does not perform any strenuous exercise until all the blood plasma normalizes. Platelets will restore but takes time of about 72 hours. This is considered the standard time in which blood recovers properly. But symptoms will subside according to the patient's body ability.
Double red cell donation may cause different blood complications. Sometimes patient's immune system does not accept new blood cells and acts against them. So infection occurs Inside body and as a result patient may die. Cardiac arrest can occur due to non acceptance of new red blood cells. Patient who is donating blood feels nausea, vomiting and light headedness. He feels weakness in his limbs and eyes got blur. So both of the person I.e. the one who is receiving blood and other one who is donating blood have to face complications and various side effects.
Double Red Blood Cell Requirements
A criteria have been set up to select the people who are willing to donate blood. The criteria is different for both males and females. Following are the requirements:
For Males
Donor should have weight atleast 130 pounds or 65 Kg. His height should be at least 5'1". Taller than this is preferred mostly.
For Females
Donor should have weight atleast 150 pounds or 75 kg. Height should be atleast 5'5". Women taller than this are preferred mostly.
The criteria is different for both genders because blood volume is not usually lower in females as compared to male.

Double Red Cell Donation Side effects
Double red cell donation is a beneficial process and automation is the best method of specifically red blood cell donation. But it may have some side effects or we can say some risks. Patient may feel irritation at the site of infusion. Itching occurs due to allergic reaction to iodine present in blood. Bruising or hematoma can occur at the site. Patient feels pain and nerve damage at the site of infusion. Because of blood cells acceptance, patient feels vomiting, nausea, increased pulse rate and cardiac arrest.
Double Red Cell Donation Recovery
Patient recovery time varies from case to case. When blood is transferred to the patient, his body starts generating blood to compensate the list amount of blood. Plasma starts recovering in a quick way in almost 24 hours. Patient is asked to stay calm and does not perform any strenuous exercise until all the blood plasma normalizes. Platelets will restore but takes time of about 72 hours. This is considered the standard time in which blood recovers properly. But symptoms will subside according to the patient's body ability.
Double Red Cell Donation Complications
Double red cell donation may cause different blood complications. Sometimes patient's immune system does not accept new blood cells and acts against them. So infection occurs Inside body and as a result patient may die. Cardiac arrest can occur due to non acceptance of new red blood cells. Patient who is donating blood feels nausea, vomiting and light headedness. He feels weakness in his limbs and eyes got blur. So both of the person I.e. the one who is receiving blood and other one who is donating blood have to face complications and various side effects.
Double Red cell Donation Requirements, Side Effects, Recovery, Complications
Reviewed by Simon Albert
March 15, 2019