Cervicobrachial Syndrome, Definition, Symptoms, Causes,Treatment
Cervicobrachial syndrome is also known as cervicobrachalgia. In this condition there is pain and stiffness in the cervical spine region. The term cervicobrachial syndrome is not commonly used now a days but in some parts of the world. Pain and stiffness of the cervicobrachial syndrome is also associated with symptoms of shoulder girdle and upper extremity like tingling, headache, discomfort, and numbness in the arm. Pain in cervicobrachial syndrome radiates into the upper limb i.e. arm. It is a radicular pain pattern which is distributed via ventral branch of a spinal nerve. Cervical radiculopathy can be diagnosed with frank sensorimotor deficits and connected with nerve root territory.
Main reason behind cervicobrachial syndrome is cervical radiculopathy which is caused by lesions produced and effecting the c5/6 and c6/7 motion segments of vertebrae. The most effected muscles are located in the upper portion of trunk because this area is mainly supplied with cervical nerve roots. Common muscles involved in cervicobrachial syndrome are rhomboids, supraspinatus muscles, infraspinatus muscle, serratus anterior, deltoid and latissimus dorsi muscles. Cervicobrachial syndrome can also occur due to neurogenic and vascular compression in the thoracic outlet. Nerves involved are subclavian vein and subclavian artery.
Symptoms of cervicobrachial syndrome are associated with upper part of the trunk i.e. arm, chest region, neck and back. There are some of the common symptoms stated below.
Some of the main causes are described below:
Common root cause reported is traumatic injuries which may occur while playing a sport and injuries happen due to accidents.
Cervicobrachial syndrome involves muscles of upper portion of trunk. So, it demands a highly personalized treatment. Choice of drugs should be accurate and according to condition. Physiotherapy helps in reducing pain of muscles and enables patient to move easily around. Hot and cold therapy is also performed in which patient gets massage with hot water and with hot bags. Sometimes alcohol and rosemary oil massage also helps a lot. Bed rest is recommended along with proper posture. Patient is asked to lie down and rest on his back and rest the effected arm experiencing pain on back side.
Main reason behind cervicobrachial syndrome is cervical radiculopathy which is caused by lesions produced and effecting the c5/6 and c6/7 motion segments of vertebrae. The most effected muscles are located in the upper portion of trunk because this area is mainly supplied with cervical nerve roots. Common muscles involved in cervicobrachial syndrome are rhomboids, supraspinatus muscles, infraspinatus muscle, serratus anterior, deltoid and latissimus dorsi muscles. Cervicobrachial syndrome can also occur due to neurogenic and vascular compression in the thoracic outlet. Nerves involved are subclavian vein and subclavian artery.

Cervicobrachial syndrome Symptoms
Symptoms of cervicobrachial syndrome are associated with upper part of the trunk i.e. arm, chest region, neck and back. There are some of the common symptoms stated below.
- Patient may feel numbness in shoulder and upper arm region.
- There may be stiffness and pain which originates from neck region and extend towards arm.
- Sometimes swelling occurs in upper trunk region.
- Patient feel itching and pins and needle sensation in both neck and shoulder region.
- Movement of effected limbs may initiate pain and laterally can intriguer pain in one side of head (migraine) and can cause trouble in sleeping.
Cervicobrachial syndrome Causes
Some of the main causes are described below:
Common root cause reported is traumatic injuries which may occur while playing a sport and injuries happen due to accidents.
- Dislocated joints and fractures also lead to cervicobrachial syndrome.
- Sprains and muscle tear are usual causes.
- Long term stress periods and anxiety periods are considered associated causes.
- This syndrome may be secondary to diseases related to bones and muscles like rheumatism.
- Some degenerative diseases like arthritis are also responsible as these diseases can in time cause cervicobrachial syndrome.
- Some infectious diseases such as tuberculosis are also responsible.
Cervicobrachial syndrome Treatment
Cervicobrachial syndrome involves muscles of upper portion of trunk. So, it demands a highly personalized treatment. Choice of drugs should be accurate and according to condition. Physiotherapy helps in reducing pain of muscles and enables patient to move easily around. Hot and cold therapy is also performed in which patient gets massage with hot water and with hot bags. Sometimes alcohol and rosemary oil massage also helps a lot. Bed rest is recommended along with proper posture. Patient is asked to lie down and rest on his back and rest the effected arm experiencing pain on back side.
Cervicobrachial Syndrome, Definition, Symptoms, Causes,Treatment
Reviewed by Simon Albert
August 29, 2019