Capillary Refill Time, Sacle, Test, Normal, Slow
Capillary refill is returning of color to an external capillary bed e.g. finger tips. Color returns to capillary bed after blanching (pressure applied). It is done by holding hand above the level of heart and pressing the soft tip of finger with other hand. Pressing should be much hard that skin color turns white. After that pressure is released and check time in which color of finger recovers. It is known as capillary refill. It is a diagnostic test which is performed to check amount of blood flow and dehydration in patients. Basically time of capillary refill tells about problems in heart flow and dehydration.
Capillary refil time is the time required for refilling capillaries. It is checked by holding hand above the level of heart and pressing the soft bud of fingers and finger nails and then slightly release pressure. Then start recording time that takes to refill capillaries of finger bud. The stopwatch is started when pressure is released and stop recording when color of finger bud recovers. Average time of capillary refill is 2 to 3 seconds. In new born, sternum is pressed for 5 seconds with finger to check capillary refill time.
Capillary refill is basically a test which is performed to check pressure of blood and volume of blood flow. It also check level of dehydration. It is a quick test and also known as nail blanch test. In this test a minute pressure is applied on soft bud of finger or finger nails while keeping hand above the level of heart. Slowly release pressure and calculate time in which finger bud or nail gets pink color again. The normal time recorded is 2 to 3 seconds. If more time is recorded, then it shows dehydration, hypothermia, shock and peripheral vascular disease (PVD).
Capillary refill test have a scale with readings 1 to 10 seconds. Average capillary refill time is 2 seconds and sometimes 3 seconds is also recorded. It is normal. But if capillary refill time exceeds 3 seconds, then it indicates the presence of an abnormality. If more than 2 seconds capillary refill time is recorded then there may be dehydration, hypothermia, peripheral vascular disease PVD and shock. So this scale helps a lot in diagnosing some major diseases related to heart. If more than 5 seconds are recorded, then patient is in danger and require quick aid.
Normal capillary refill time means blood take 2 seconds of time to refill capillaries of finger bud or finger nail which were pressed by keeping hand above the level of heart. 2 seconds are normal but if this time exceeds, then it indicates the presence of any abnormality. 2 seconds of capillary refill time shows normal blood pressure and normal volume of blood flow. It also shows good condition of heart activity. It is a quick and easy test can be easily performed at the spot. No instruments are required.
Slow capillary refill time means blood takes longer than 2 seconds to refill capillaries of finger soft bud or finger nails which were pressed slightly by keeping hand above the level of heart. More than 2 seconds of capillary refill time means there is an abnormality like dehydration, stroke, hypothermia and peripheral vascular disease. When these problems exist, it hinders the flow of blood towards the site. It indicates low blood pressure and low volume of blood flow moving in veins. When slow capillary refill time is observed, patient need further tests and treatment according to diagnosis.
Capillary Refill Time
Capillary refil time is the time required for refilling capillaries. It is checked by holding hand above the level of heart and pressing the soft bud of fingers and finger nails and then slightly release pressure. Then start recording time that takes to refill capillaries of finger bud. The stopwatch is started when pressure is released and stop recording when color of finger bud recovers. Average time of capillary refill is 2 to 3 seconds. In new born, sternum is pressed for 5 seconds with finger to check capillary refill time.

Capillary Refill Test
Capillary refill is basically a test which is performed to check pressure of blood and volume of blood flow. It also check level of dehydration. It is a quick test and also known as nail blanch test. In this test a minute pressure is applied on soft bud of finger or finger nails while keeping hand above the level of heart. Slowly release pressure and calculate time in which finger bud or nail gets pink color again. The normal time recorded is 2 to 3 seconds. If more time is recorded, then it shows dehydration, hypothermia, shock and peripheral vascular disease (PVD).
Capillary Refill Scale
Capillary refill test have a scale with readings 1 to 10 seconds. Average capillary refill time is 2 seconds and sometimes 3 seconds is also recorded. It is normal. But if capillary refill time exceeds 3 seconds, then it indicates the presence of an abnormality. If more than 2 seconds capillary refill time is recorded then there may be dehydration, hypothermia, peripheral vascular disease PVD and shock. So this scale helps a lot in diagnosing some major diseases related to heart. If more than 5 seconds are recorded, then patient is in danger and require quick aid.
Normal Capillary Refill Time
Normal capillary refill time means blood take 2 seconds of time to refill capillaries of finger bud or finger nail which were pressed by keeping hand above the level of heart. 2 seconds are normal but if this time exceeds, then it indicates the presence of any abnormality. 2 seconds of capillary refill time shows normal blood pressure and normal volume of blood flow. It also shows good condition of heart activity. It is a quick and easy test can be easily performed at the spot. No instruments are required.
Slow Capillary Refill Time
Slow capillary refill time means blood takes longer than 2 seconds to refill capillaries of finger soft bud or finger nails which were pressed slightly by keeping hand above the level of heart. More than 2 seconds of capillary refill time means there is an abnormality like dehydration, stroke, hypothermia and peripheral vascular disease. When these problems exist, it hinders the flow of blood towards the site. It indicates low blood pressure and low volume of blood flow moving in veins. When slow capillary refill time is observed, patient need further tests and treatment according to diagnosis.
Capillary Refill Time, Sacle, Test, Normal, Slow
Reviewed by Simon Albert
September 03, 2019