What is the effect of HyperSpermia on Fertility?
Hyperspermia is the increased volume of sperms on every ejaculation. The volume of sperms or semen increases up to an abnormal level and exceeds the upper limit, i.e., 5.5 ml. Hyperspermia is a medical condition and does not harm the patient. It may occur due to many causes. Some common causes are the use of medications and the increased interval between sexual activity. It has prominent symptoms that help a lot in the diagnosis of hyperspermia. Hyperspermia can be treated in many ways according to the type of cause behind it. The treatment or prevention in hyperspermia should be on time because a bit of negligence may lead to severe complications.
Infertility is the main and common complication of hyperspermia. Infertility is the inability to reproduce babies. As one of the causes mentioned above is the increased gap between sexual activity. During this duration, the sperms are kept producing and accumulate in testicles. When the patient does not perform any sexual activity for a long time, these sperms start dying and become inactive. These sperms, when releasing in ejaculation, will no more be able to get fuse with egg in ovaries of women and form zygote.
This is the main cause of infertility in men. Infertility depends upon the concentration of sperms released in a single discharge. Usually, fertility is not affected by hyperspermia, but in some cases, it mainly affects fertility leading to more complications. There is a belief that if the concentration of sperms is equal to the volume of semen, then there are increased chances of fertility. It also depends upon the consistency of discharge i.e., if the semen volume is thin inconsistency, then the sperms become diluted, and as a result, there are decreased chances of fertility in men. Infertility occurs in men due to two main reasons i.e., decreased concentration of sperms in men and decreased concentration of active sperms in a single stream of sperms upon every ejaculation.
Low sperm count in men can not totally make him infertile, but he may make his partner pregnant, but it will take some time. This delay is due to the less sperm concentration in men. Lower the sperm count, lower will be the chances of pregnancy.
In another case, if the sperm count is normal, but the semen volume increases, there will be no effect on the fertility of men. This is because the sperm count is the same, which is responsible for fertilization.
Other than infertility, another main complication is miscarriages. Men with hyperspermia may cause an increased number of miscarriages in her partner. This may affect their sexual life and make them mentally disturbed.
Infertility is not common with hyperspermia, but if it is neglected for a time, then there are chances of infertility in men. Sometimes infertile men with low sperm count become successful in making their partner pregnant, but it takes some time i.e., within months or it can take years. This was all about infertility in men due to hyperspermia. Infertility can be treated by treating hyperspermia on time.
Infertility is the main and common complication of hyperspermia. Infertility is the inability to reproduce babies. As one of the causes mentioned above is the increased gap between sexual activity. During this duration, the sperms are kept producing and accumulate in testicles. When the patient does not perform any sexual activity for a long time, these sperms start dying and become inactive. These sperms, when releasing in ejaculation, will no more be able to get fuse with egg in ovaries of women and form zygote.

This is the main cause of infertility in men. Infertility depends upon the concentration of sperms released in a single discharge. Usually, fertility is not affected by hyperspermia, but in some cases, it mainly affects fertility leading to more complications. There is a belief that if the concentration of sperms is equal to the volume of semen, then there are increased chances of fertility. It also depends upon the consistency of discharge i.e., if the semen volume is thin inconsistency, then the sperms become diluted, and as a result, there are decreased chances of fertility in men. Infertility occurs in men due to two main reasons i.e., decreased concentration of sperms in men and decreased concentration of active sperms in a single stream of sperms upon every ejaculation.
Low sperm count in men can not totally make him infertile, but he may make his partner pregnant, but it will take some time. This delay is due to the less sperm concentration in men. Lower the sperm count, lower will be the chances of pregnancy.
In another case, if the sperm count is normal, but the semen volume increases, there will be no effect on the fertility of men. This is because the sperm count is the same, which is responsible for fertilization.
Other than infertility, another main complication is miscarriages. Men with hyperspermia may cause an increased number of miscarriages in her partner. This may affect their sexual life and make them mentally disturbed.
Infertility is not common with hyperspermia, but if it is neglected for a time, then there are chances of infertility in men. Sometimes infertile men with low sperm count become successful in making their partner pregnant, but it takes some time i.e., within months or it can take years. This was all about infertility in men due to hyperspermia. Infertility can be treated by treating hyperspermia on time.
What is the effect of HyperSpermia on Fertility?
Reviewed by Simon Albert
March 07, 2020