Protan vs. Deutan Color Blindness
Color blindness, commonly referred to as color vision deficiency (CVD), is a disease in which you are unable to perceive colors in their typical forms. This may occur if particular cone-like cells in your eyes known as photoreceptors are absent or functioning improperly. Most of the time, you can see all the colors of the rainbow through these cones. You may not be able to distinguish between these colors if you suffer from color blindness. Color blindness is not the same as blindness (a condition in which you have restricted or no sight) - color blindness is merely a shift in the way your eyes perceive color.
People who are colorblind sometimes have trouble describing what they see, but research suggests they may mostly sense tones of blue and yellow.
A trichromat is someone whose eyes have three different types of cones with normal-functioning color pigments from birth. Your rainbow would consist of the following six tones: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet.

You are a dichromat or dichromatous if one of these 3 forms of cones in your eyes were either absent at birth or malfunctioned. Based on which cones are absent or damaged, you will see different colors.
If you're a dichromat, you can suffer from one of several distinct kinds of color deficiencies, such as:
You won't be able to see reds or greens clearly in this situation since your long-length red-responsive cells in the retina are probably not working correctly.
Your ability to detect green light is impaired in this scenario. Deuteranopes also experience a rainbow of blues and golds.
In this type of color deficiency, there are some red-sensitive cones, but they do not function properly. Your rainbow appears to be somewhat subdued. Red may look like a deep grey, and any colors that incorporate red may appear less vibrant.
Cones that react to green in this situation don't function properly. It is by far the most prevalent type of color blindness. Your rainbow probably consists of blues, yellows, and other generally subdued colors.
Protan vs. Deutan
Protan color blindness makes people less sensitive to red light. Protans have trouble distinguishing between red and green and blue and green tones. When the two spectrums are compared, it is clear that there are a variety of colors and tones of color that a protanope would have trouble differentiating. These individuals are therefore color blind in a variety of ways, not only red and green. In fact, the name red-green colorblindness misrepresents protan colorblindness and creates an inaccurate impression.
Deutan color blindness is by far the most prevalent type of color blindness. Approximately 6% of males have this variant of red-green color blindness, most often in the moderate form known as deuteranomaly. A person whose deutan color vision is impaired could have trouble distinguishing between colors like green and yellow, or blue and purple. Another typical symptom is the appearance of very light green or occasionally white traffic signals. Pink and grey or white frequently appear as the same color, especially if the pink resembles a light purple.