Lymph % blood Test results Explanation, Low, High, Range
What is Lymph % blood test?
A blood test called a lymph% test is used to determine the percentage of lymphocytes that are present in an individual's blood. Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell that are critically vital for the immune system's ability to fight off illnesses and infections. The two primary categories of lymphocytes are B cells and T cells.
Lymphocytes belong to the category of white blood cells. When functioning properly, they aid the immune system in protecting the body from harmful pathogens. Your immune system is a complex network of lymphatic organs, lymph nodes, lymph tissue, and immune cells. Lymphocytes can be divided into two categories:
- T cells
T cells regulate the immune system's response and directly target and destroy infected and cancerous cells.
- B cells
Antibodies are produced by specialized cells called B cells. Antibodies are specific proteins that attack pathogens including bacteria, viruses, and other foreign invaders.

Lymph % blood test Explanation
A laboratory test called a lymph% blood test determines the proportion of lymphocytes in a person's blood. Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cells that are essential for the immunological response of the body. Lymphocytes help fight against foreign invaders. They aid in identifying and warding against diseases, viruses, and other foreign entities.
Blood is often taken from an arm vein to perform a lymph% blood test. The blood sample is subsequently delivered to a lab for examination. The proportion of lymphocytes as a percentage of the total white blood cell count is calculated in the laboratory after the blood cells are inspected.
A complete blood count (CBC) will often include the lymphocyte percentage as part of the overall report. A complete blood count (CBC) will give you information about the various components of your blood, such as your red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The CBC findings also include other data, one of which is the lymphocyte percentage.
Lymph % blood test Low
Lymphocytopenia is the term used by doctors to describe abnormally low lymphocyte counts. This often occurs in people with a lymphocyte count of fewer than 1,000 in 1 liter of blood. Possible causes include:
- Insufficient lymphocyte production by the body
- A medical condition that destroys lymphocytes
- Lymphocytes being trapped in the lymph nodes
The following conditions or treatments may result in lymphocytopenia:
- Viral Infections
- Cancer
- Chemotherapy
- Steroidal therapy
Lymph % blood test High
Lymphocytosis is characterized by an increased number of lymphocytes and may be an indicator of a more severe disorder. Adults with lymphocyte counts of more than 4,000 per 1 L of blood are commonly diagnosed with lymphocytosis by medical professionals. However, this limit can vary not just between laboratories but also between people of different ages.
Symptoms of lymphocytosis vary depending on the cause of the increase of lymphocytes. Following are a few potential causes of lymphocytosis:
- virulent infections, including HIV
- Infections caused by bacteria, including Bartonella henselae
- Parasitic diseases such as Toxoplasma
- TB caused by mycobacteria
- Cancers like non-Hodgkin lymphoma
- Medication effects
- Stress
Lymph % blood test Range
There is no fixed amount of lymphocyte cells that must be present in order to maintain good health in the body. This is due to the fact that a person's lymphocyte levels might alter depending on their ethnicity, gender, geography, and lifestyle choices.
But for the immune system to work properly, it's crucial to maintain a healthy level of lymphocyte circulation throughout the body.
There are specific lymphocyte cells that are in charge of fighting against germs and viruses. Other lymphocytes target the body's dysfunctional cells caused by a virus or malignancy. Having an abnormally high or low number of lymphocytes may indicate an illness.
For adults, one microliter (µL ) of blood contains 1,000–4,800 lymphocytes. The normal range of lymphocytes in 1 µL of blood for kids is between 3,000 and 9,500.