Is athlete's foot contagious | Vesicular athlete's foot vs Moccasin athlete's foot
Fungous diseases may attack various parts of the body, but probably
attack the skin most often. Fungi, a more complex form of vegetable
organisms than bacteria, usually multiply by means of spores, a
characteristic that classifies them midway between bacteria and seed
plants. Diseases caused by fungi are rarely acute, but tend to be
persistent. They seldom cause fever or result in true pus formation
unless complicated by a secondary bacterial infection. Many fungi are
enemies of most of the common disease-producing bacteria, and other
bacteria are enemies to them.
This fact is the basis for the production of most of the antibiotic remedies. But these fungi are also enemies of certain bacteria which abound in the body and are friendly to it. This is especially true of certain bacteria commonly found in the intestine and/or the vagina of a normally healthy person. So, when antibiotic remedies have been used for a considerable period of time, the friendly bacteria may have been killed off, and certain fungous diseases or yeasts which ordinarily are held in check by these friendly bacteria may take hold and begin to cause trouble.
Generally speaking, ordinary antibiotics are not only useless in treating fungous diseases, but may actually help prepare the way for their development. The outstanding exception to this rule is a special antibiotic griseofulvin is an effective oral remedy for many fungous skin diseases. It may, however, give a variety of uncomfortable side reactions, so it should be taken only under the supervision of a physician. Also, since many fungous diseases may be caused by more than one variety of fungus, and different varieties of fungi differ in their response to treatment with griseofulvin, laboratory tests are often needed to determine what variety of fungus is present, as a guide to the physician in his use of this or perhaps some other remedy.
Athlete's foot is caused by one or another of a group of parasitic fungi which almost always attack the skin of the feet. Many people are plagued by this malady, since the organisms which cause it are spread from contaminated floors surrounding pools, showers, and other public places.
The skin between the outer few toes is most frequently attacked, but the disease may spread to any part of the feet, and it is possible for it to break out on the hands. However, what appears on the hands is usually caused by absorbed toxins circulating in the bloodstream rather than directly by the causative organisms themselves. nevertheless, by scratching the sores on the feet, one may carry the infection on the hands or under the nails and spread it to other parts of the body.
As athlete's foot develops, blisters or cracks, or more often both, appear in the skin, which softens, turns white, and tends to peel off in flakes.Pustules and ulcers may form in severe cases, and there is more or less itching and burning-occasionally pain. The disease is more severe in warm weather than in cool weather,and it is aggravated by any condition which keeps the feet warm, moist, and sweaty.
Individuals with vesicular or rankled athlete's foot experience the ill effects of sore, liquid filled rankles that happen between the toes and on the curve and sides of the foot. These rankles develop because of allergic reaction to the fungi causing the athlete's foot.
Moccasin type athlete's doesn't bring about tingling or aggravation. The whole sole and heel get to be dry and flaky with free, white scales that show up in a sandal moccasin like pattern. In some cases the toenails can likewise get to be contaminated, which makes it more hard to treat.
1.Keep the affected skin areas as cool and dry as possible. Wearing sandals or open-toed shoes will help.
2. Protect other members of the household from infection by refraining from walking barefoot about the house, especially about the bathroom. Do not use the family shower, and before using the bathtub soak the feet for at least five minutes in a warm, saturated solution of boric acid.
3. Every night at bedtime wash the feet briefly with mild soap and wann water. Then soak the feet for 15 to 30 minutes in a warm, saturated solution of boric acid. If boric acid solution is not available, use instead a warm saline solution (one tablespoonful oftahle salt to a quart of water).
4. Then with a bit of gauze pick and rub away all loose bits of skin, taking care not to get any of the contaminated material under your fingernails. Then apply Halotex cream or Lotrimin cream,working it carefully into all the affected skin, especially that between the toes.
This fact is the basis for the production of most of the antibiotic remedies. But these fungi are also enemies of certain bacteria which abound in the body and are friendly to it. This is especially true of certain bacteria commonly found in the intestine and/or the vagina of a normally healthy person. So, when antibiotic remedies have been used for a considerable period of time, the friendly bacteria may have been killed off, and certain fungous diseases or yeasts which ordinarily are held in check by these friendly bacteria may take hold and begin to cause trouble.
Generally speaking, ordinary antibiotics are not only useless in treating fungous diseases, but may actually help prepare the way for their development. The outstanding exception to this rule is a special antibiotic griseofulvin is an effective oral remedy for many fungous skin diseases. It may, however, give a variety of uncomfortable side reactions, so it should be taken only under the supervision of a physician. Also, since many fungous diseases may be caused by more than one variety of fungus, and different varieties of fungi differ in their response to treatment with griseofulvin, laboratory tests are often needed to determine what variety of fungus is present, as a guide to the physician in his use of this or perhaps some other remedy.
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Is athlete's foot contagious | Vesicular athlete's foot vs Moccasin athlete's foot |
Athlete's Foot (Dermato Phytosis or Tinea Pedis)
Athlete's foot is caused by one or another of a group of parasitic fungi which almost always attack the skin of the feet. Many people are plagued by this malady, since the organisms which cause it are spread from contaminated floors surrounding pools, showers, and other public places.
The skin between the outer few toes is most frequently attacked, but the disease may spread to any part of the feet, and it is possible for it to break out on the hands. However, what appears on the hands is usually caused by absorbed toxins circulating in the bloodstream rather than directly by the causative organisms themselves. nevertheless, by scratching the sores on the feet, one may carry the infection on the hands or under the nails and spread it to other parts of the body.
As athlete's foot develops, blisters or cracks, or more often both, appear in the skin, which softens, turns white, and tends to peel off in flakes.Pustules and ulcers may form in severe cases, and there is more or less itching and burning-occasionally pain. The disease is more severe in warm weather than in cool weather,and it is aggravated by any condition which keeps the feet warm, moist, and sweaty.
Vesicular athlete's foot
Individuals with vesicular or rankled athlete's foot experience the ill effects of sore, liquid filled rankles that happen between the toes and on the curve and sides of the foot. These rankles develop because of allergic reaction to the fungi causing the athlete's foot.
Moccasin athlete's foot
Moccasin type athlete's doesn't bring about tingling or aggravation. The whole sole and heel get to be dry and flaky with free, white scales that show up in a sandal moccasin like pattern. In some cases the toenails can likewise get to be contaminated, which makes it more hard to treat.
Athlete's foot Remedies
1.Keep the affected skin areas as cool and dry as possible. Wearing sandals or open-toed shoes will help.
2. Protect other members of the household from infection by refraining from walking barefoot about the house, especially about the bathroom. Do not use the family shower, and before using the bathtub soak the feet for at least five minutes in a warm, saturated solution of boric acid.
3. Every night at bedtime wash the feet briefly with mild soap and wann water. Then soak the feet for 15 to 30 minutes in a warm, saturated solution of boric acid. If boric acid solution is not available, use instead a warm saline solution (one tablespoonful oftahle salt to a quart of water).
4. Then with a bit of gauze pick and rub away all loose bits of skin, taking care not to get any of the contaminated material under your fingernails. Then apply Halotex cream or Lotrimin cream,working it carefully into all the affected skin, especially that between the toes.
Is athlete's foot contagious | Vesicular athlete's foot vs Moccasin athlete's foot
Reviewed by Simon Albert
May 30, 2016