Struma ovarii Definition, Meaning, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Struma ovarii is a type of tumor of ovaries. It was first discovered or elaborated in 1899. In this tumor thyroid tissues are present which covers almost more than 50 % of the total mass present. It is considered that it is the part of a teratoma. It is a rare tumor, compromises almost 1 % of the total ovarian tumors. And covers about 2 to 5 % of total teratomas (condition in which tissues accumulate at the site not meant to be). It is a form of monodermal teratoma. Due to excessive accumulation of thyroid tissues at the site, hyper thyroidism may occur.
The disease does not go with its name because it do not only restricted to ovary. Mostly the Struma ovarii are benign in nature but in rare cases thy can be malignant. In about 5 % of cases the ovarian cancer show metastatic spread. The survival rate with the treatment of Struma ovarii is excellent. As Struma ovarii is a rare condition that is why the scientist cannot surely say either it is congenital or not. It mostly occur in females with an age range of 40 to 60 years and vary less chances of Struma ovarii before puberty.
Struma ovarii show the same symptoms as other ovarian tumors show and these symptoms are:
The etiology of struma ovarii is unknown but the main reason behind struma ovarii is the accumulation of thyroid tissues in the site other than meant for it. The struma ovarii causes toxicity in thyroid gland rarely. The toxicity depends upon the concentration of thyroid tissue follicles present at the site. The thyroid stimulating hormone get suppress in struma ovarii. The increased intake of iodine in the body, increases the chances of struma ovarii because it is considered the cause behind struma ovarii. The iodine intake increases via increased intake of food containing high levels of iodine.
There are many surgical interventions for the treatment of struma ovarii. Surgical care is mostly used for benign and unilateral struma ovarii. The women who do not want fertility in future, the pelvic washing for those women is recommended. Hysterectomy is also performed to release out the excessive thyroid tissues. Lymph node sampling is also done rarely. The complete thyroid gland is treated via thyroidectomy. Radioactive ablation 1-31 is also performed for the elimination of excessive thyroid tissues via radiations of radioactive agent, injected in blood. Bilateral salpingo oophorectomy is also performed. The chances of reoccurrence of struma ovarii in malignancy are more than 50%.
The disease does not go with its name because it do not only restricted to ovary. Mostly the Struma ovarii are benign in nature but in rare cases thy can be malignant. In about 5 % of cases the ovarian cancer show metastatic spread. The survival rate with the treatment of Struma ovarii is excellent. As Struma ovarii is a rare condition that is why the scientist cannot surely say either it is congenital or not. It mostly occur in females with an age range of 40 to 60 years and vary less chances of Struma ovarii before puberty.
Struma ovarii Symptoms
Struma ovarii show the same symptoms as other ovarian tumors show and these symptoms are:
- Patient feel lower abdominal pain.
- Patient on touching feels soft and palpable mass in the lower abdominal area.
- Bleeding may occur from vagina abnormally.
- Ascites may occur (a condition in which the fluid accumulate in the abdominal cavity resulting in swelling)
- Hydrothorax occurs (a condition in which fluid start accumulating in the pleural cavity).
- Thyroid function get elevated as a result of thyroid tissue accumulation.
- Struma ovarii rarely may also lead to thyroid tumor.

Struma ovarii Caues
The etiology of struma ovarii is unknown but the main reason behind struma ovarii is the accumulation of thyroid tissues in the site other than meant for it. The struma ovarii causes toxicity in thyroid gland rarely. The toxicity depends upon the concentration of thyroid tissue follicles present at the site. The thyroid stimulating hormone get suppress in struma ovarii. The increased intake of iodine in the body, increases the chances of struma ovarii because it is considered the cause behind struma ovarii. The iodine intake increases via increased intake of food containing high levels of iodine.
Struma ovarii Treatment
There are many surgical interventions for the treatment of struma ovarii. Surgical care is mostly used for benign and unilateral struma ovarii. The women who do not want fertility in future, the pelvic washing for those women is recommended. Hysterectomy is also performed to release out the excessive thyroid tissues. Lymph node sampling is also done rarely. The complete thyroid gland is treated via thyroidectomy. Radioactive ablation 1-31 is also performed for the elimination of excessive thyroid tissues via radiations of radioactive agent, injected in blood. Bilateral salpingo oophorectomy is also performed. The chances of reoccurrence of struma ovarii in malignancy are more than 50%.
Struma ovarii Definition, Meaning, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Reviewed by Simon Albert
May 18, 2017