What is Mild Clitoromegaly?
Clitoromegaly is a condition in which the size of the clitoris is increased up to an abnormal level. Its name indicates the state i.e., clitoro means clitoris and megaly implies an increase in size. The clitoris is part of external genitalia in women. It can be easily seen outside the body. In some cases, the clitoris is not prominent outside the body. Basically, the clitoris is the homolog to the penis in men. After mating sperm and egg, the zygote starts developing into a fetus. Both male and female hormones are responsible for the development of sex organs. Increased level of female hormones (estrogen) leads to the development of the clitoris, and in men, male hormones (androgens) lead to the development of the penis. During development, there may be many reasons leading to Clitoromegaly.
There is a range of appearances of Clitoromegaly in women. The range consists of different forms or phases, from a slightly swollen appearance to a proper penile appearance. The symptoms of Clitoromegaly are according to the cause behind it. The Clitoromegaly, on the basis of severity, is divided into three main conditions i.e., mild, moderate, and severe. In the mild form of Clitoromegaly, there is not much swelling of the clitoris. And the symptoms are also light. Women may take it to light and do not think about consulting with a doctor. It may occur for some time and then resolve on its own without any specific treatment plan. In the case of mild Clitoromegaly, the patient may feel slight pain and itching.
It may be due to an allergy. If there is an allergic reaction, then avoiding the product or clothing responsible for it helps a lot in treatment. If a fungal infection or bacterial infection leads to Clitoromegaly, then antibiotic therapy will help to treat it. An ointment or oral dosage form of antibiotics can treat it, and in case patients do not want to go through surgery. Surgery is performed only in severe cases. In mild Clitoromegaly cases, ointments and creams work. Some over the counter drugs also help a lot. Mild Clitoromegaly has only a few reasons behind it, like an allergic reaction and fungal or bacterial infection. So treating these two conditions will automatically treat Clitoromegaly. Other causes of Clitoromegaly may lead it to severe or moderate form of Clitoromegaly.
A moderate form of Clitoromegaly is mostly seen in the case of adrenal hyperplasia and PCOS etc. The mild form of Clitoromegaly can be controlled easily, and the patient does not have to worry about it. Applying ointments and creams on it as prescribed by the doctor will make it better within days. The recovery is fast in mild Clitoromegaly. It will roughly take 1 to 2 weeks to recover. But the patient has to avoid contact with her partner to ensure full recovery and best results of treatment. In the case of hormonal disturbance, hormonal therapy is preferred, and this will take time to recover Clitoromegaly. As there may be further reasons behind it. So picking up the right reason is a difficult task but helpful.
There is a range of appearances of Clitoromegaly in women. The range consists of different forms or phases, from a slightly swollen appearance to a proper penile appearance. The symptoms of Clitoromegaly are according to the cause behind it. The Clitoromegaly, on the basis of severity, is divided into three main conditions i.e., mild, moderate, and severe. In the mild form of Clitoromegaly, there is not much swelling of the clitoris. And the symptoms are also light. Women may take it to light and do not think about consulting with a doctor. It may occur for some time and then resolve on its own without any specific treatment plan. In the case of mild Clitoromegaly, the patient may feel slight pain and itching.

It may be due to an allergy. If there is an allergic reaction, then avoiding the product or clothing responsible for it helps a lot in treatment. If a fungal infection or bacterial infection leads to Clitoromegaly, then antibiotic therapy will help to treat it. An ointment or oral dosage form of antibiotics can treat it, and in case patients do not want to go through surgery. Surgery is performed only in severe cases. In mild Clitoromegaly cases, ointments and creams work. Some over the counter drugs also help a lot. Mild Clitoromegaly has only a few reasons behind it, like an allergic reaction and fungal or bacterial infection. So treating these two conditions will automatically treat Clitoromegaly. Other causes of Clitoromegaly may lead it to severe or moderate form of Clitoromegaly.
A moderate form of Clitoromegaly is mostly seen in the case of adrenal hyperplasia and PCOS etc. The mild form of Clitoromegaly can be controlled easily, and the patient does not have to worry about it. Applying ointments and creams on it as prescribed by the doctor will make it better within days. The recovery is fast in mild Clitoromegaly. It will roughly take 1 to 2 weeks to recover. But the patient has to avoid contact with her partner to ensure full recovery and best results of treatment. In the case of hormonal disturbance, hormonal therapy is preferred, and this will take time to recover Clitoromegaly. As there may be further reasons behind it. So picking up the right reason is a difficult task but helpful.
What is Mild Clitoromegaly?
Reviewed by Simon Albert
February 08, 2020